
Mostrando entradas de 2018

Free time...

What I like most to do in my free time is take pictures but actually, I do not have to much free time so I can not take pictures a lot. I like how the sun can interrupt some photographies creating new effects. Naturals effect. I like this activity because you can make it in every place wherever you are. You only need a camera or even your cell phone to take good photographies. Eight months ago, I bought a semi-professional camera for this hobby. Now, all my family wants a "good" picture. Another thing that I like from this activity is that you can "play" with the effects to create something new. I love to take pictures of flowers and to nature because is something without mistakes. Something wonderful and pure. Wherever I go, I am with my camera. It is very important to me. I have like a million pictures of my family and my personal style. Another thing that I like is that I can complement with the architecture. With my career. So I am happy about that. A


Hi everybody! Today I'm going to talk about a wonderful woman. Nina Simone. She was a singer, songwriter, pianist, arranger, and activist in the Civil Rights Movement.  She born on February 21, 1933, in North Carolina and was the sixth child of a preacher.  She began playing piano at the age of three and her first concert, a classical recital, was given when she was 12. In there, her parents, who had taken seats in the front row, were forced to move to the back of the hall to make a way for white people. She refused to play the piano until her parents were moved back to the front. She suffered a lot. In her first marriage, her husband beat her, raped her and abused her. "Thanks" to this, she had a daughter and some psychological problems. This didn't stop her and she continued with her career. In 1964, She changed the contest of her music. Now she only talks about racism and inequality in the world. Her first civil rights song was "Mississippi Goddam&quo

What I want....

Hi everybody!! today I want to talk about a future job I would like to have. Actually, I don't know what I want to do in the future. Four years ago, the only thing I wanted was getting at The University of Chile and I did it. So now I even know what I want. I know with architecture I can make a lot of things but I don't sure about what I want. If I imagine how will be the job, I hope it will be in a quiet space and I wish it won't be monotonous. If we talk about a dream job, the rules change. My dream job would be funny and with a lot of animals. I wish to have a rescue center for animals. it doesn't care the type or form. I love animals and I think they need all of our love. In this rescue center, I will have a specialist for every type of animal and I would like to do talks about animals and their care for children and their parents. I think it is really necessary to guide the people in this topic because people act if they don't care. As if animals are


Through the years in the school, the teachers made me read a lot of books but the book I liked most in that times was "Wire's girls" by Jordi Sierra I Fabra and it's about a younger journalist who is trying to find the true history of three models who supposedly are dead.  After this, I read "Asylum" by Madeleine Roux and it's about a guy who is in a summer program and, with his girlfriend, started to find the mystery behind their bedroom which used to serve as a psychiatric hospital. I didn't read all the saga because I only liked the first book.  Time later, I find my current favorite author who is Jaime Mcguire. I have read all her books like "Red Hills", the saga of "Beautiful Disaster" and "All The Little Lights". My favorite one is Beautiful Disaster and it's a romantic story of Abby Abernathy and Travis Maddox. The last book I read this month was "the movie counter" by Hernán Rivera


If Halloween started as a mystic celebration of the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, now is something to celebrate with all the families and friends. What I like most about Halloween is that we can wear a funny, creepy or cute costumes and anybody tell you something bad about this but the most important part is that you can go out and get a lot of candies. Through the years, this celebration starts to be a day to celebrate with and for my goddaughter. Her name is Antonella and she is everything for me.  The first Halloween I celebrated with her it was 4 years ago. She was so tiny and cute so I dress up as Minnie and she was a little princess. 😍 Actually, what I liked most of Halloween is see her happy face because I'm wearing a costume like her. She loves when I wear the same clothes as her.  All the years, we go out and, after that, we see a movie of Halloween for children while we eat all the candies.  This year,  I´m going to dress up as a mime and she going to be

My favorite subject at school

My favorite subject at school was physics because the teachers I had they make me understand this mix of math and theories easier. In my school, we have to choose a program related to the career we want to get when we out school so I choose the program which one have maths and physics. With this, the people who choose this program, they had more hours of maths and physics than the other people in my school.   I only had two teachers in all of my school days. the first one was German, who was really amazing. I didn't even know how he could remember all the material of the class. He taught physics in a simple way so everybody could understand him. The test with him was really complicated, sometimes he did a test with only three questions.  In the last year of school, I had another teacher who was David and he was completely different than teacher German. He taught us some funny experiments and, with this, He made us repeat the experiment so It was very funny.  They both made us t

My best friend

When I was a child, I start to meet who now is my best friend. I can´t remember the day we start to be friends because it passed a long time ago.  Her name is Dannae and She is two years younger than me but that even care us. In addition, She is my cousin. She is the first person I call when I'm sad or when I feeling bad. She is always there. Probably We are the best cousins in the whole world. We do everything together and We always think in the other.  Even though We are the same, actually we are not completely the same. She likes different bands and singers that I like. She has two cats and I have two dogs. She likes olives and I hate them.  Even though all of this, We still are friends because we love each other as sisters and We still have our common things. We like the same books and movies. We like to go out to walk and We like to go shopping.  For Halloween We always wear a funny costume like in the picture and go out to a party or we made a slumber party. Some tim

Another history about Fiestas Patrias

Normally, in my house, we celebrate the Fiestas Patrias with friends or our family because my cousin's daughter is on birthday so we have a double celebration. Two years ago, my cousin Cony joined us after having been four years on a hospital because of her cancer. She was the youngest in our family and she had not been with us in more than four years. We only saw her on the hospital. That day we enjoyed her because we knew that day was going to be the last celebration of Fiestas Patrias with the whole family. The whole family celebrate with her and for her. We danced the Cueca with her with some problems but she was happy so that was the only things it matters at that moment. We played Chilean games and all the winners won a keychain and medals. We sang karaoke with her and was so funny because in my family anybody can sing. That day my sister was in the mall and my cousin called her because she wanted an ice cream so my sister had to search for all the ice cream shop to get a
My name is Ayline Fuentes and I live in Santiago of Chile. I love animals and for that reason, I have two dogs. Morita and Bonnie. I should have more but I can't. When I was in the school, I joined the English debate club and I learn a lot of kind of things. How to speak and how to write better than in a normal class. With the club, we went to debate at Mayor University but we get the second place. By the way, I wasn't sad because It was my first time. Last year I diced study this architecture because I like the mix of art and maths and how they complement each other.